Theme: "Animal Mashups!" Create new weird animal species merged from 2 or more existing animals.
Prompt 1: RabbitHawk: A rabbit with the wings and sharp vision of a hawk, hopping and soaring with ease.
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Prompt 2: BearBeetle: A bear with the hard exoskeleton and wings of a beetle, strong and armored.
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Prompt 3: ZebraParrot: A zebra with the colorful feathers and beak of a parrot, striped and vividly hued.
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Prompt 4: FrogRhino: A frog with the massive horn and size of a rhino, creating a surprisingly agile giant.
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Prompt 5: TigerChameleon: A tiger with the color-changing ability of a chameleon, blending into its surroundings.
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